Episode 152: Rulebook of a Narcissist with guest Dr. Mariette Jansen

About Dr. Mariette Jansen
Mariette Jansen is from The Netherlands and moved in 1997 to the UK. She is a life coach, psychotherapist, writer, and speaker.
Mariette obtained a PhD in Communication Science in The Netherlands and worked in corporate organizations. An opportunity to retrain arose after the birth of her eldest son, when she qualified as a psychotherapist, a counseling tutor, and a meditation teacher. After ten years, she decided to focus her client work more on action and goals and has worked since 2011 as a successful life coach.
Although Mariette now realizes that she grew up in a narcissistic family, she only started to understand the full extent of her situation in her late 50s. Her mother, her main narcissist, was the most important person in her life and most of her actions were inspired by the wish to please her and be on the receiving end of love, acceptance, and respect. It never happened.
As a result of her own realization, Mariette discovered narcissism and how it plays out. It was an eye-opener and a sanity-saver.
Her first book ‘From Victim to Victor – Narcissism Survival Guide’ became a bestseller and won the Janey Lee Grace Platinum Award. Her second book is called ‘Rulebook of a Narcissist.’
Visit Dr. Mariette Jansen’s website - CLICK HERE
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