Episode 155: Feeling Forwards Interview (Part 1) with Dr. Andrea Wilkinson

By understanding the science of how to optimize the health of your brain and body, you can be empowered to take the control back in your life and how you feel. In this episode, we're sharing Part 1 of an interview Dr. Andrea did with Elizabeth Gould on her Feeling Forwards Podcast. Elizabeth Gould is a best-selling author, entrepreneur & personal reinvention coach. She teaches women how to reach through any challenge using Feeling Forwards to create their dream life. Elizabeth has also been a guest on the BrainShape Podcast – so, if you want to hear more about Elizabeth’s story and the meaning behind Feeling Forwards, go back and listen to Ep.128 (CLICK HERE). This is Part 1 of Dr. Andrea's interview on the Feeling Forwards Podcast with Elizabeth Gould.