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Exploring and Developing Tools for Staying Engaged As We Age

Staying engaged in older age requires interacting with the surrounding environment, being mentally challenged and staying physically and socially active. However, the manifestation of “staying engaged” varies depending on your health status and living situation.


In this talk, Dr. Andrea Wilkinson will discuss three different approaches to “staying engaged” with age. The work she will present covers research she conducted previously as a University of Toronto Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2015-2018), as well as the work she is currently doing in her own company, BrainShape Inc.


Presenter: Andrea Wilkinson, PhD| Co Founder and CEO, BrainShape Inc. |Former Postdoctoral Research Fellow Mechanical and Industrial Engineering University of Toronto

Location: Institute for Life Course and Aging, 246 Bloor St. W., 4th Floor Webinar Room 422

Watch the replay by CLICKING HERE.